It’s WEEK1 of my new Periscope series, and I picked POTATOES? Could I have picked a more boring ingredient to start out with? Potatoes are not boring at all! They’re a comfort food, and a staple part of the diet in many cultures. They are delicious and extremely versatile […]
Recent Posts
Follow Me on Periscope!
Hi fellow dabblers! I’m super excited to announce that I’m on Periscope! I just shared a scope about how I quit my job in advertising and started my career in food. And despite some crazy setbacks, I’m still pushing forward. It shows that you should never give up. One […]
Vegan Chocolate Mousse Pie with Avocado!
So many things have happened since I last wrote an official post that I don’t even know where to begin. I guess, I’ll start with the most important change: I had another baby! A girl. And with her arrival came a few changes, like the decision for me to stay […]
The Tucci Cookbook signing at Fishs Eddy
I can’t say I’ve been to many cookbook signings in my day. While I do own and appreciate signed cookbooks, I rarely venture out to wait in line and get that personal dedication penned on page 2. It’s simply too much work. Unless, of course, it’s Stanley Tucci. He just […]
Healthy Baked Oatmeal Soufflé
This recipe is more like an oatmeal soufflé. Or a gooey oatmeal cookie that you can legitimately eat for breakfast and not feel guilty about. While I wouldn’t give it 5 stars on the healthy scale, it’s not all that bad. Compared to your typical baked oatmeal, it does […]